When using your personal vehicle is the most economical mode of transporation for your university business travel you are eligible to receive mileage reimbursement. It is important to note, when using a personal vehicle and claiming mileage reimbursement you are not eligible to receive reimbursement for fuel costs. Please see below for current travel and relocation mileage rates.
The University’s mileage reimbursement rates for expenses incurred in connection with the business use of a private automobile are accordance with the Internal Revenue Service standard mileage rates published in IRS Notice 2025-5. The following new rates are effective for expenses incurred on or after January 1, 2025:
• The reimbursement rate for the use of a private automobile for University business travel will
increase from $0.67 cents a mile to $0.70 cents a mile.
• The reimbursement rate for driving an automobile in connection with a move or relocation is 21 cents a mile. (Note that reimbursements for moving- related expenses, including mileage, are considered taxable wage income as of January 1, 2018).